Some pictures of the king of Porsche tuning in Japan courtsey of one of my favorite blogs, Speedhunters. His name is Kei Nakai and to my surprise he started out being the leader of the infamous drift crew named Rough World that consisted of ae86s and jzx81s. Then from there he started Rauh Welt which is Rough World in German and the rest is history. I hope to someday meet this guy.
I was gonna throw the chrome door handles away, but i had a feeling some bloke would want it for his backdate. To my surprise my instinct was right and i made $30 out of trash. yea!
Here are some examples of RSR style rear ends. The orange car was built by Markuzzi Exclusive. I don't know who built the turquoise one. The yellow car was built by a forum member on PelicanParts. Lastly, the red one was built by Sunburst.
So today i decided to take off the heavy chrome door handles off the doors cause i will not be doing the chrome exterior trim theme. In place of these chrome door handles i will be purchasing lighter non chrome 993 door handles.